Maropeng Ralenala , M.A. (South Africa)
Clinical Psychologist
As an internationally board-certified and licensed Clinical Psychologist, I am passionate about people encountering the life-changing science and experience of psychotherapy, particularly for those who have never found themselves in a therapist’s office before. I will be here to walk the road untraveled with you and brightly shine a light on the way ahead. If you are no stranger to the therapy couch, I will be most delighted to welcome you back to this transformational journey.
I have traveled the world and seen many of its wondrous corners. I am South African born and bred and have had the privilege of being educated and trained up in world-class academic departments and training institutes. I am actively licensed with the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA) and the Dubai Health Authority (DHA). I have had the opportunity of working across vastly diverse environments - from high-risk psychiatric in-patient hospital wards to out-patient community clinics, from missions organizations to running a private clinical practice, from working in the sparse outskirts of rural villages to working in the bustling economic hubs of global cities.
I have been a student and practitioner of psychology for well over 2 decades now, with 14 years qualifying experience. I am well-equipped to work with a variety of clinical needs and reasons for presenting to therapy. These include a wide range, from mental health disorders that severely and pervasively impact one’s life and functioning, such as depression, anxiety and trauma, to the less debilitating but still significant life struggles of changing life circumstances such as major personal life events (including positive events), every day stress or relationship problems.
I particularly work with the following groups of people in therapy: Couples in couples therapy who seek help to become better at being together; and individual adults aged 18+ who are struggling to cope in their lives, or those who are simply seeking to thrive- that is the ability to joyfully work, love, learn and play in one’s life. I use an integrative mode of psychotherapy that is evidence-based for the presenting concern and I ensure that the individual needs and clinical presentation inform my route of psychotherapeutic action.
I am passionate about teaching and educating individuals and the public on mental health issues, and have engaged in a wide variety of public engagements throughout my career, including live and recorded television appearances, radio debates and broadcasts, international conferences, newspaper and magazine print. My passion for engaging with the community has extended to the inception of the Lighthouse Expat Social Support Group over a year ago, which I lead monthly as part of the Lighthouse’s dedication to serving the UAE community. After arriving in Dubai 2 years ago, I quickly became aware of the unique struggles and joys alike that expats may face, and I hoped to offer a safe and positive space for individuals to come and share with others on the same journey.
Works with Clients:
Adults (21 yrs+)
Services Offered
- Individual Therapy
- Couple Therapy
Presenting Concerns
General Concerns:
- Stress
- Anxiety
- Panic attacks
- Low mood or depression
- Adjustment to recent life events or circumstances (Not trauma)
Specific Concerns:
- Anger, irritability, emotional outbursts and severe moodswings
Relationship Concerns:
- General dissatisfaction or improvement of romantic relationships
- High conflict and aggression concerns in romantic relationship
- Affairs, infidelity and intimacy-related concerns in romantic relationships
- Non-romantic and non-familial relationship concerns
- Family and family relationship concerns
- Violence or abuse by another person (current or recent)
- Trauma or traumatic events (past or historic)